Welcome To Basehor Elementary School!
Basehor Bluejay Team Parent Information
Does my child’s school have a parent/teacher group? How can I become more involved in my child’s school?
What is this BBT I keep hearing about? If your child started Kindergarten in August or you just moved into the neighborhood, let us introduce ourselves! We are the Basehor Bluejay Team, also known as BBT. BBT is the parent and school staff group which supports Basehor Elementary School (BES) and Basehor Intermediate School (BIS). BBT sponsors many activities throughout each school year, such as, teacher luncheons, class field trips, Red Ribbon Week, the annual talent show, educational assemblies,
an end of the school-year carnival and much more! BBT also makes many equipment and material purchases for each school building.
The money raised through BBT membership and fundraising efforts have helped purchase color printers, continuing ink supply, playground equipment, document cameras, board games, and back to school gifts for teachers and students. It is easy to get involved with your child’s school through BBT. Dues are $5.00 per family and all the money stays within the local organization (checks can be made payable to “BBT”).
In addition to being part of an active and meaningful organization, you will receive a student directory which is published yearly.
The Basehor Bluejay Team functions with an Executive Board (elected yearly), Committee Chairs (volunteer positions
renewed yearly) and Members ($5.00 dues). Meetings are held monthly and all members are encouraged to attend.
Many volunteers are needed to help BBT remain a successful and vital part of the educational experience of BES and BIS students. There are many levels of involvement, so be a part of the team….the Basehor Bluejay TEAM!
Basehor Bluejay Team Committees
Membership: Plan and coordinate the yearly BBT membership drive.
Room Parents: Coordinate the assignment of room parents for each classroom.
Student Directory: Organize, print and distribute the yearly student directory.
Teacher Appreciation: Organize volunteers for staff breakfasts/luncheons, Care Cart, National Teacher Week, Paraprofessional Appreciation Day and other appreciation events.
Fundraising: Plan and coordinate the annual school-wide fundraiser.
Box Tops/Best Choice Labels/Capri Sun Collection: Promote, collect and submit items for reimbursement.
Homecoming Parade: Work creatively to design the BBT entry into the high school Homecoming Parade.
Red Ribbon Week: Work with school to promote the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention program in October.
CHILINGO: Plan and coordinate annual Chili Cook-off and Bingo event.
Outdoor Wildlife Learning Space (OWLS): Coordinate volunteers for maintenance of the BES courtyard garden.
School Assemblies: Research and recommend educational assemblies for students.
Talent Show: Organize and coordinate the annual talent show.
Testing Snacks: Purchase, prepare and distribute snacks to 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students during State Assessments.
Classroom Board Game and Book Gifts: Organize, purchase and deliver board games and books to be donated to teachers and classrooms in December.
School Carnival: Carnival promotion, ticket sales, games, concessions and silent auction are some of the individual committees that make up the school carnival. Planning begins in November, so be a part of this dynamic event. Join our email group at[email protected] OR “Friend” us on Facebook at “Basehor Bbt”.